
The National Curriculum (School Curriculum in England)

We want all pupils at Hillsgrove to be confident in having the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in the world beyond school. We want all pupils to share our high aspirations for themselves and to develop a love of learning for life.

Every state-funded school must offer a curriculum which is balanced and broadly based and which:

  • promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society;  

  • prepares pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. The school curriculum comprises all learning and other experiences that each school plans for its pupils. The national curriculum forms one part of the school curriculum.

All state schools are also required to make provision for a daily act of collective worship and must teach religious education to pupils.

Maintained schools in England are legally required to follow the statutory national curriculum which sets out in programmes of study, on the basis of key stages, subject content for those subjects that should be taught to all pupils.

All schools should make provision for personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE), drawing on good practice. Schools are also free to include other subjects or topics of their choice in planning and designing their own programme of education.

The Hillsgrove Currriculum Rationale/Intent

OFSTED Definition: ‘A framework for setting out the aims of a programme of education, including the knowledge and understanding to be gained at each stage'

The intent of the education at Hillsgrove is to give all pupils a chance to gain knowledge and skills that they can use within the real world. All pupils will:

  • be given the chance to develop their cultural capital and widen their understanding of the world beyond school in order to compete in the real world
  • have learning activities that they are invested and engaged in
  • be exposed to a broad and balanced curriculum which is personalised to meet their needs
  • be challenged to think, reflect and apply their skills
  • build their resilience and develop own ideas and interests
  • be helped to develop a love of learning which drives towards independence
  • be offered a wide range of learning approaches
  • develop their understanding of the curriculum
  • have opportunities develop their character
  • develop pupils who care about the world around them

The curriculum intent is to develop skills over time and give all pupils the chance to measure their successes and progress.

Our SEND (Special Education Needs and Disability) Intent:

We want the educational experience for learners with SEND to consistently be as good as it is for learners without SEND (equity of educational experience for all learners). We will fulfil this by:

  • Planning which meet the needs to SEND pupils
  • Providing resources to support SEND pupils
  • Delivering tailored support to meet individual needs


What is the purpose (INTENT-PLAN) of Art at Hillsgrove?

  • To develop creativity
  • To equip pupils with skills and knowledge to experiment and create their own art
  • To develop pupils’ ability to evaluate and analyse, using the language of art 
  • To develop knowledge of different artists and understand the historical and cultural development.

‘We do lots of sketching and revisit our art to make it better.

We look closely at other people’s work and see if we can learn from our peers and other techniques.

‘We develop skills over time and make sure we apply these in our new art work.'

Art is unique at Hillsgrove because…

The subject of art is unique at Hillsgrove because it allows the children to be creative, in an encouraging, positive environment, which allows them to take more risks. They get to explore and evaluate different artists and styles of art, allowing them to develop a critical eye, while developing their own artistic abilities. 

What does Art look like (IMPLEMENTATION-ACTION) at Hillsgrove?

  • Engaging
  • Inspiring
  • Challenging
  • Inclusive
  • Celebrate work from different cultures


What is the purpose (INTENT-PLAN) of Computing at Hillsgrove?

At Hillsgrove Computing is about having an understanding of how computers and computer systems work, and how they are designed and programmed. Pupils gain an understanding of different computational systems, whether or not they include computers. Computational thinking provides insights into many areas of the curriculum, and it allows us to solve problems, design systems and understand the power and limits of human and machine intelligence. Pupils who can think computationally are better equipped to conceptualise, understand and use computer-based technology, and so are better prepared for today’s world and the future.

Learning coding will help us to understand how things work in the future. 

It teaches us how to work things out and solve problems.

When you use the computer you must always keep yourself safe. 

If something happens or you see something you don’t like you need to tell an adult, you trust.’

Computing is unique at Hillsgrove because…

Teachers understand that children learn much better using creative methods. The focus is on an active approach and children learn through first-hand experiences and topics that interest them, where the goal is to compliment screen time with other activities away from the computer and to embed computing into as many learning opportunities as possible.  In this way children understand why they are learning to code and the importance of computer science now and in the future based on real-life situations.

What does Computing look like (IMPLEMENTATION-ACTION) at Hillsgrove?

Computing is seen as an important part of everyday life and we recognise it will play an integral role in our pupil’s futures.  Our vision is for our pupils to be online safe and confident.  Online safety underpins every Computing lesson and online safety rules are referred to at every opportunity so that children are able to access the Worldwide-Web in a safe and respectful way. We aim to develop Computational Thinking in pupils by developing the pupils thought processes involved in solving problems, specifically those that can be expressed as algorithms and then links are also made to other areas of the curriculum such as Maths and Science.  Teachers use a variety of imaginative resources and teaching strategies to stimulate pupils’ active participation in their learning.  In turn pupils demonstrate positive attitudes towards Computing and show creativity in their application of skills.


What is the purpose (INTENT-PLAN) of  PE at Hillsgrove?

To develop the whole child by equipping them with crucial skills and attributes that are required for the modern world. Through high-quality teaching of PE, we challenge the child’s thinking as well as their physical ability, which also allows for behavioural changes over time. This can be split into three areas; thinking (head), physical (hands), behavioural change (heart).

Thinking (head) - children develop confidence and creativity, as well as gaining deeper analytical understanding. They start off as simple decision makers but can later transfer these skills into tactics during games or creating flowing sequences in gymnastics and dance. They are able to evaluate their own and others’ performances and have the knowledge of how to improve.

Physical (hands) – Children learn about the importance of physical activity and are taught how to be physically competent. Children develop fundamental movement skills and are able to improve their confidence and competence when applying these skills to a variety of games and activities. Children are able to take part in both competitive play (against oneself and others) and cooperative play and are constantly challenged to improve their own performance.

Behavioural Change (heart) – Children are involved and engaged when participating in Physical Education. Over time, they are able to grow socially and emotionally through the various experiences they have within sport. They are able to build character and resilience, whilst developing their self-esteem and self-belief.  They are able to learn core values, including teamwork and cooperation, as well as how to live a healthy, balanced, active lifestyle. Finally, Physical Education allows for spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, allowing pupils to be respectful, thoughtful and active citizens not just in school, but wider society.

'PE is important because it keeps us healthy.

It helps us get our daily exercise and it also helps our mental health.

We can build up our teamwork skills and we learn to respect each other when we have class competitions.

Teamwork makes the dream work!

In PE, we learn lots of skills that we can use in different sports.

When we exercise, our bodies get fitter and our muscles get stronger.

Because we know how to stay fit and healthy now, we can grow up to be happy and healthy adults and live for longer.

I love PE because it unites everyone together.

We all get fitter and healthier at the same time and we get to have lots of fun.

We do PE because it helps our physical and mental health.

It also helps us to concentrate in class.

It might be tiring sometimes, but I know PE will keep me healthy, so I really like it.'

PE is unique at Hillsgrove because…

PE is unique at Hillsgrove because unlike other schools, we regard it as one of the core subjects, striving to deliver a curriculum which is not only engaging and of a high quality, but one focused on developing the ‘whole child’. Our pupils are given the knowledge they need to develop physically, socially and emotionally, as well as receiving ample opportunities to build upon their own bank of key skills and values needed for the modern world. Furthermore, pupils at Hillsgrove understand the importance of leading an active, healthy lifestyle and will be able to make informed decisions about their health and wellbeing in later life.

What does PE look like (IMPLEMENTATION-ACTION) at Hillsgrove?

  • 2 hours of planned, progressive learning per week that is timetabled into the curriculum and delivered to all pupils
  • A broad and balanced curriculum catering for a variety of sports and activities to engage every child (invasion games, net/wall games, striking and fielding games, outdoor adventurous activities, athletics, gymnastics, dance and swimming)
  • Sessions of physical activity that are not only designed to help children become more physically competent, but also to improve their knowledge and understanding beyond physical activity, including key skills such as teamwork, co-operation, communication etc.
  • Opportunities for pupils to develop character and embed core values such as determination, honesty, passion, self-belief, teamwork and respect
  • Opportunities for pupils to expand their knowledge on health and fitness by learning about how and why we exercise and the short and long term effects it has on our body

Design Technology

What is the purpose (INTENT-PLAN) of  DT at Hillsgrove?

To enhance the children’s understanding of the wider world by enabling them to think creatively about the decisions that they are making. It also helps them to express themselves in a range of different ways in order to achieve the desired result.

'You encourage people to build things. You are making things that work. You are providing others with ideas.

We are being creative and helping other people by encouraging them to be mindful. You can use other people’s ideas to improve it.'

DT is unique at Hillsgrove because…

The subject is unique at Hillsgrove because it allows the children to be innovative which means they can take risks that can have outstanding results.  Through the evaluation of past and present design and technology, they develop a critical understanding to prepare them for the opportunities that will be open to them in the wider world.

What does DT look like (IMPLEMENTATION-ACTION) at Hillsgrove?

The Hillsgrove curriculum immerses children of all ages into a rich, cultivated learning environment through the teaching  of  valuable skills subsequently this ensures that the next generation are being shaped into well-rounded individuals, who will contribute meaningfully to society.  Cross curricular links have been provided, which have helped the children to enhance their understanding in all areas of the curriculum.


What is the purpose (INTENT-PLAN) of English at Hillsgrove?

At Hillsgrove, we want our pupils to be informed citizens. We want to ensure that the pupils receive the preparation they need to secure a good job and a fulfilling career, and have the resilience and moral character to overcome challenges and succeed. We constantly reflect on our practice, drawing from the latest research, good practice from across the trust and beyond in order to adapt our approaches to high quality teaching and learning. All the skills of language are essential to participating fully as a member of society. At Hillsgrove, we are strongly committed to ensuring all our pupils enter society with the English skills that will equip them to succeed in life. 

‘English at Hillsgrove helps us to understand the changing world around us by allowing us to explore different texts and new vocabulary.

I use the strategies that my teacher has taught me in guided reading to help me understand what I have read.

I use the strategies that my teacher has taught me in guided reading to help me understand what I have read.

I try to use new words I have come across in my reading in my writing.

It’s okay to get pink. The important thing is that I am learning something new.

I can use the working wall, flip charts, my partner and teacher feedback to support my learning.'

English is unique at Hillsgrove because…

All pupils are given the opportunity to explore new worlds through a rich and diverse canon of literature.

All pupils are challenged through a rich canon of texts, specifically chosen to ignite their imaginations and spark their enthusiasm for reading.

What does English look like (IMPLEMENTATION-ACTION) at Hillsgrove?

At Hillsgrove Primary School, in English we set out to ensure that all pupils, regardless of starting points achieve their full potential through key knowledge and skills. Through high expectations and support our pupils are developed to be resilient, independent and to become lifelong learners. Our approach to teaching and learning is always thoughtfully adapted to meet the needs of all pupils, in line with our Trust approaches. Our approach takes in to account the needs of every child, ensuring pupil wellbeing is central. We ensure that developing pupils’ capacity to reflect is at the core of this. We recognise that a good grasp of English allows pupils to access the whole curriculum. We also believe that it is important that a love of literature will continue to strive when the pupils leave our school.


What is the purpose (INTENT-PLAN) of Geography at Hillsgrove?

To give children the resources to investigate, question and deepen their knowledge of the world around them and its diverse places, people, and resources. To encourage children to ask geographical questions, critically evaluate potential answers to those questions, understand and empathise with the views and lives of others, consider actions and consequences of answers. These skills encourage learners to view and plan for their future.

‘We get to see Geography in action when we go on trips and we find out about our local area and the world. It shows other people’s experiences and we can understand how they live.

KS2: We use topic vocabulary in our work. We get to use maps on our trips and can draw maps of our local area.

KS1: Geography makes me think about where I live and how I can take care of my community.'

Geography is unique at Hillsgrove because…

Children take on the role of a geographer, they explore, discover and begin to understand the world around them when they go on trips (field work) Children are given memorable experiences such as trips to the post office, churches, parks and links with local people and charities, such as Greenpeace. Then, children link this to what they can do in school such as recycling monitors and eco-monitors in classrooms.

What does Geography look like (IMPLEMENTATION-ACTION) at Hillsgrove?

Progressive skills from R to 6 using Rising Stars MTP. Children start with exploring their environment, such as describing features of a school and local area to more complex skills that inspire children’s curiosity and fascination about the world and its people. Geographical skills are at the focus of planning and teaching. Where possible, memorable learning experiences are created through field work. Children should think, reflect, and apply geographical skills where possible for example children planned a trip to local Sainsbury's to investigate fruit that has been produced in Britain and compared this to fruit that had been produced from other countries.


What is the purpose (INTENT-PLAN) of History at Hillsgrove?

History at Hillsgrove is about teaching pupils to search for, critically examine and evaluate evidence.  Pupils are taught to give their own ideas and opinions on how and why things were or happened in the past from their findings.  They also learn to understand that History teaches us how to learn from the mistakes of others and to understand who we are and where we have come from.

'History helps us to learn about what happened in our local area before so we can see how far we’ve come.

Events like Black History Month teach us that we are all part of the same community and that mistakes from the past shouldn’t affect our behaviour now.

History teaches us to know what happened so people can learn from it and change things for the better.

It teaches us to recognise our past and why the world is like it is today.'

History is unique at Hillsgrove because…

We believe in teaching children the skills they need to identify evidence they need to form their own arguments. We believe that children should be able to learn from the worlds past mistakes and successes and build upon them to build themselves a brighter future.

What does History look like (IMPLEMENTATION-ACTION) at Hillsgrove?

At Hillsgrove History is carefully planned and taught so that topics and themes link wherever possible to other areas of the curriculum in each year group.  Teachers are aware of prior learning and use and build on the knowledge taught in previous year groups as pupils progress through the years.  Pupils use a variety of different sources e.g. stories, drama, written sources, ICT sources, sequencing, timelines and artefacts, to help them gain more knowledge and skills.  They are encouraged to link new learning to previous knowledge as they learn more, this enables them to make sense of their learning and remember more.


What is the purpose (INTENT-PLAN) of Maths at Hillsgrove?

At Hillsgrove, the Maths curriculum is designed to support a mastery approach to teaching and learning and is designed to support the aims and objectives on the National Curriculum. The purpose is to introduce children to concepts, skills and thinking strategies that are essential in everyday lift and also to support learning across the curriculum. Maths at Hillsgrove aims to help children make sense of the numbers, patterns and shapes they see in the world around them. Children use Maths to solve problems using patterns, reasoning and to suggest and try out different approaches. Children can explain their ideas using symbols, diagrams and spoken and written language. Maths at Hillsgrove equips children with skills they will need in life beyond school.

‘Maths is the thread of community that is enriched and developed at Hillsgrove.

Maths challenges our mind-set but brings us closer together as a community.

I use my calculation book every day. In here I can practise skills so that I can make progress in Maths.

My learning comes from my teacher’s assessment. I can use the working wall, flip charts, my partner and teacher support as tools for my learning.

Pink comments in my book help me to address my mistakes and help me to become resilient.'

Maths is unique at Hillsgrove because…

We believe in teaching to the individual need of the pupil and closing their gaps in learning. We follow an approach that builds upon pure mathematical fluency, developing into higher order thinking so that our pupils can show reasoning skills to a greater depth; skills that they will need throughout their life.

What does Maths look like (IMPLEMENTATION-ACTION) at Hillsgrove?

At Hillsgrove, we believe that all children can succeed. We don’t believe there are individuals who can do maths and those that can’t. Teacher’s strong subject knowledge and knowledge of pupil’s understanding are key to success. There is consistency in school policies and marking which leads to good or outstanding teaching of Maths throughout the school. Policies show clear progression from start to end points and there is a high level of challenge for all pupils. Pupils have worked matched accurately to their needs, whole class teaching is rarely used and teacher’s frequent helicoptering leads to effective support and assessment and ensures engagement levels from pupils in lessons are high with pupils rarely off task. Pupils ‘remember more’ by applying their skills into reasoning and problem solving. Pupils talk about marking with enthusiasm, they know that ‘pink’ comments in their books help them to address their mistakes. Teacher modelling, support and use of working walls are all positive tools for Maths learning at Hillsgrove.


What is the purpose (INTENT-PLAN) of PHSE at Hillsgrove?

PSHE at Hillsgrove is about supporting the children in developing qualities that will enable them to become members of society. Children are equipped with skills necessary to learn about themselves as individuals, as part of a community and how they relate to and their actions affect others. By the time children have completed their time at Hillsgrove, they will have acquired knowledge, skills and understanding in the areas of social and moral responsibility, community involvement and political literacy. All of which should enable them to become well balanced and functioning citizens within society.

‘We learn together every day and how to listen to each other. We always work together and help each other, it helps you listen and understand what other people think.

We have been learning about how to keep ourselves healthy, in lots of subjects like Science, Guided Reading, Read Write Inc. I’ve learnt that British products have a little tractor on them. It’s important to know how to keep healthy so you know what you should eat or you will get ill.

We’ve learnt about plastic pollution. We know that pollution is bad for the environment and animals. It has helped me understand what is going on in the world and helps me not to do bad things.

I’ve learned that it is important to understand different religions. Even though I don’t believe in one myself, we still need to respect what other people think and believe.'

PHSE is unique at Hillsgrove because…

All staff understand how imperative it is for our children to develop their identity as an individual, as well as appreciating each child’s need to become a well-rounded member of their wider community. By adopting a cross curricular approach, our children are able to develop the skills they need for this in a meaningful context; enabling them to apply their learning in real life situations when they encounter them. This effectively facilitates lifelong learning, which is crucial for enabling their growth within society.

What does PHSE look like (IMPLEMENTATION-ACTION) at Hillsgrove?

At Hillsgrove PSHE is integral and intrinsically embedded throughout the vast majority of subjects planned and taught. The approach to PSHE is cross-curricular across the school. Where themes, objectives and supplementary resources can be accessed by teachers through The LCP PSHE & Citizenship Scheme. The new cross curricular PSHE objective overview grid facilitates teachers in tracking PSHE objectives coverage as they progress through each Key Stage, as well as plan for effective links throughout the curriculum. Covering PSHE in this way allows teachers to build upon the knowledge and experiences the children have from their own personal observations. Teachers are able to further raise awareness and bring in a wider range of experiences than is possible to achieve through personal experience alone. It also allows the effective discussion and appreciation of the need for particular actions and behaviours.

Religious Education

What is the purpose (INTENT-PLAN) of RE at Hillsgrove?

RE at Hillsgrove is about encouraging our pupils to learn about others and from others. It helps them develop a sense of identity and to respect and be sensitive towards others. RE at Hillsgrove helps to prepare our pupils for later life, so that they can participate positively in a multi-cultural society.

'RE teaches us about other religions and the religions of my friends. It even helps me to learn more about my own religion. In RE we have learned about different faiths and beliefs. This is important as it helps us to be respectful. When I learn about other religions, I think about how they are different to mine.

We have been learning about Hinduism – Hindus have Gods and Goddesses, Christians have one God. Year 2 pupil.

We have been learning about Buddhists – what they believe in, how Buddhists need to be kind and compassionate and what Buddhists have in their temples and at home. I am a Buddhist and I have learned about Chinese Buddhists and how they are different to me. Year 5 pupil.

We have been asking questions about God. We’ve been having discussions and sharing our ideas. Year 6 pupil.'

RE is unique at Hillsgrove because…

It enables pupils to explore different religious beliefs and values and to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of religious beliefs and practices that are followed in our multi-cultural society. It provides pupils with the knowledge and skills to answer challenging questions and allows pupils to share their own beliefs in a safe and positive environment.

What does RE look like (IMPLEMENTATION-ACTION) at Hillsgrove?

RE at Hillsgrove is taught following the Bexley Agreed Syllabus 2014. There is an emphasis on Christianity, but all other principal religions are explored too – Christianity, Judaism and Hinduism at KS1 and Christianity, Sikhism, Islam and Buddhism at KS2. In EYFS, RE is mainly explored through stories and celebrations, particularly those relevant to the class. Our approach to RE teaches knowledge about religions and also encourages pupils to reflect on their own beliefs and to develop skills of enquiry; exploring questions and asking their own questions in a safe environment.


What is the purpose (INTENT-PLAN) of Music at Hillsgrove?

  • At Hillsgrove, we believe that music can make a significant contribution to children’s development: increase their confidence and self-esteem, build an ethos of teamwork, enhance concentration and creativity while improving social cohesion within the school and wider community.
  • We want to give our children the ability to enjoy music, in as many ways as they choose either as listener, creator or performer. To be able to dissect music and comprehend its parts as if it were a mathematical challenge.
  • When learning to sing and find a musical pulse, we feel it’s important that children are able to use this as a tool in order to relate to their own emotions thus creating a meaningful, purposeful stimulus for better social and emotional wellbeing.

The day you open your mind to music, you're halfway to opening your mind to life. Music enhances the education of our children by helping them to make connections and broadening the depth with which they think and feel.

I really like it when we sing the seasons songs on the carpet because I remembered them later in my maths lesson.

When we were pretending to be different animals, I felt like the animal with the beats and described it in my writing.

Learning how to sing in tune with the person beside me has made me feel more confident about singing out loud and now I do it more than ever.

Practising music and learning different rhythms through using different instruments has helped my co-ordination and makes me feel good.'

Music is unique at Hillsgrove because…

Our children are exposed to a wide range of musical genres taken from different cultures and religions. They are encouraged to express themselves through carefully structured music sessions that promote creativity and individuality. We are proud to accompany children to local and national singing events such as Young Voices and through Rock Steady lessons, promote inclusion across our Key Stages.

What does Music look like (IMPLEMENTATION-ACTION) at Hillsgrove?

Music has always been an extremely important part of school life at Hillsgrove. It begins the very minute our children enter the school building for the first time in reception and continues until they walk away in year 6.  Nursery rhymes, alphabet and counting songs help smaller children to focus on and apply taught number facts, as well as exposing them to early rhyme and rhythm. Throughout Key Stage One, a more formal approach to the teaching of music serves to develop the idea of genre and how different styles of music are put together. Listening to and identifying instruments within music and repetitive phrases are key in building upon our children’s exposure from the Early years. From Key stage two, the music curriculum becomes gradually more advanced. Technical language such as tempo, bridge and pitch begin to build a deeper understanding of how music is created. Composition is explored along with learning how to put a song together with harmonies and singing parts. A regular singing assembly in both Key stage one and two, enriches our curriculum and enables the celebration of music. We invite outside music specialists to come into our school and offer advice and lessons to our pupils. Most recently, our children had the privilege of spending some of their time, creating their own rock bands and learning to play instruments such as the electric guitar and drums. There are currently two school choirs who have enjoyed performing at various public events in addition to their end Spring, Summer and Christmas family concerts, on the school stage.


What is the purpose (INTENT-PLAN) of Science at Hillsgrove?

Science at Hillsgrove is about teaching pupils to plan, collect evidence, draw conclusions and evaluate data in order to answer their own questions about the natural and physical world.

‘Learning about science is essential as it helps us to understand our world and all the technology we all use today. Most jobs involve science so it is an important part of our learning, connects us to our community and in our future careers.

Science is always in the news and sometimes we have to debate the impact of new advances. (We thought about the impact of plastics in the oceans and the introduction of electric cars to reduce pollution.)

In science you have an opportunity to test and check your ideas. It is fine when your results show that your prediction was not right. It challenges you to think of a new hypothesis.

KS1: I learnt where our food comes from and what a healthy diet is. I found out how to care for plants so that they grow well.’

Science is unique at Hillsgrove because…

It nurtures pupils' curiosity in an environment that encourages them to ask questions and develop the skills to answer them independently. They learn why science matters in the world through engaging, thought provoking lessons.

What does Science look like (IMPLEMENTATION-ACTION) at Hillsgrove?

Science at Hillsgrove is carefully planned to ensure a balance between scientific knowledge and skills to enable pupils to follow lines of investigation and satisfy their curiosity of the world around them. Teachers are aware of prior learning and use this as a basis to build new learning. Where relevant, links are made across topics within science and to develop writing and mathematical skills. Planning identifies a skill focus and pupils are rewarded with stickers following the CLEAPSS Science Ninja programme.

Relationship & Sex Education

What is the purpose (INTENT-PLAN) of RSE at Hillsgrove?

Hillsgrove takes its responsibility to provide relevant, effective and responsible relationships and sex education (RSE) to all its pupils as part of the school’s personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) curriculum very seriously. The school wants parents and pupils to feel assured that sex education will be delivered at a level appropriate to both the age and development of pupils, and safe to voice opinions and concerns relating to the sex education provision.

What does RSE look like (IMPLEMENTATION-ACTION) at Hillsgrove?

Relationships Education is lifelong learning about physical, moral and emotional development. It is about teaching healthy  in a way that is fully understood and effectively retained by pupils in our care. It is also about teaching what it is to be in a caring, stable and mutually supportive relationships with others.  Relationships Education will outline the importance of marriage for family life and the raising of children; highlighting the role of marriage, as well as recognising that there are other stable relationships outside of marriage, as the building blocks for community and society.

PiXL (Partners in Excellence)

What is the purpose (INTENT-PLAN) of PiXL at Hillsgrove?

  • We use data to drive teaching and learning
  • Informal and formal data drop points are used to good effect
  • Gaps in learning are found, addressed and then re-assessed

What does PiXL look like (IMPLEMENTATION-ACTION) at Hillsgrove?

  • Regular formal testing
  • Regular teacher assessment against GAPS taught
  • Reviewing – revising – retesting
  • Trust-wide and Nation-wide comparison

Mental Health

What is the purpose (INTENT-PLAN) of Mental Health at Hillsgrove?

At Hillsgrove, we want our children to be able to talk openly and honestly about mental health, removing the negative connotations with which it has previously been associated. We strive to take our communities mental health seriously and encourage everyone to listen to our children and our members of staff in a non-judgemental way. We want people to be able to talk when they are ready to talk and not let any member of our community feel pressured into feeling they have to. We actively remind staff, students and parents to look after themselves and operate a positive work/life balance.

'I feel like I can be open and honest with trusted adults without being judged when I talk.

I want my friends to be able to come a talk to me if they’re sad – I like helping people.

I think I understand other people and how they feel when they are upset or quiet.

I know I shouldn’t judge someone just on the way they act – they may just not be ready to talk yet.'

Mental Health is unique at Hillsgrove because…

We have a designated, trained Mental Health First Aider for both our pupils and staff. We provide opportunities for children to come and talk to adults in a non-judgemental way and encourage them to talk to each other about how they feel. We believe that it is okay to not be okay.

What does Mental Health look like (IMPLEMENTATION-ACTION) at Hillsgrove?

At Hillsgrove, My Happy Mind is taught as a stand alone lesson and every child has a My Happy Mind journal that allows them to learn about the 3 parts of their brain; the hippocampus, the amygdala and prefrontal cortex so that children can understand and make sense of their feelings and emotions. The school also has a Mental Health First Aider, who ensures staff are up to date with the latest research and strategies to support children with their emotions and to develop their resilience.